Most of the apartment marketing ideas you find online won’t generate leads overnight. Showing up at the top of search engines organically and building up a social media following can take a community months, even years to achieve.
With average nationwide apartment rates at $1278, your community stands to lose thousands of dollars for every month units stay vacant.
When apartment communities experience unexpected vacancies, they need proven marketing strategies that can help generate leads within weeks, not months. As a leading digital marketing agency in the multifamily industry, Conversion Logix has garnered a reputation for building effective, high quality, lead generating campaigns faster than our competitors.
So, how do we do it?
- We research the main online platforms your target market is using and we make sure your community has a presence there.
- We ensure the marketing message your audience sees resonates with their wants and needs, while also showing off your community’s unique value proposition (i.e a beautiful pool or indoor golf simulator).
- Our team is constantly optimizing your campaigns for conversions (such as site visits, calls, online applications and contact forms).
These are a few of the tried and true strategies Conversion Logix utilizes to help you reach your occupancy goals.
Paid Search Ads

This is the best marketing campaign to run if you need to increase your traffic fast.
Google ads will help your community in two critical ways.
- Most apartment seekers start their apartment search in Google. Google ads ensure your community shows up in Google search listings when people are looking for your brand or apartments in your area. This strategy will provide the most qualified traffic to your website, and can drastically increase the number of people who schedule tours.
- They ensure that you will not lose your most qualified leads to competitors. If your customers are unable to find you, they are likely finding someone else. Paid search ads will make sure it isn’t easy for nearby communities to take your market share.
Social Ads

Most American adults use Facebook or Instagram on a daily basis. In contrast to search engine marketing, social ads provide communities with quality imagery and video content that help showcase their properties in a more visual way.
Through precise targeting, Facebook and Instagram ads allow communities to only show up in the feeds of people within a few miles of their community. We’ve found that Facebook and Instagram ads that utilize the correct detailed targeting parameters can bring in the most qualified of website visitors.
Below is an example of a Facebook campaign we created for a community using detailed psychographic targeting that received several onsite conversions within two days after launch.

Email Campaigns

Apartment seekers often start looking for communities months in advance of their intended move-in date. This means your community has likely built up a lead list of prospects interested in living at your community.
An email campaign is an extremely effective strategy for clients that are already running a comprehensive marketing campaign but still need an immediate boost in traffic.
Successful email campaigns usually sweeten the pot for interested leads by offering exclusive look and lease specials, invitations to open house events, or other types of limited time messaging. For example, we’ve had clients who’ve launched email campaigns on a Thursday who find themselves signing 5 leases by the end of their Saturday open house.
Below is an example of an email campaign we designed for a client to market their weekend open house.

Banner Display Targeting

Are you offering a concession to help you fill your vacancies faster? Banner campaigns can help broadcast your offer to a large audience.

Through targeted display ads, you can show impressions next to news articles or blog posts that your target market is actively reading online. By running a retargeting campaign, you can show reminder ads to prospects who’ve already shown interest in your community by visiting your site.
Banner campaigns can help increase traffic to your site while making sure interested apartment seekers come back to see you and not your competitors.
Call Tracking

Call tracking software gives you a detailed report of all of the calls that came to your website as a result of your paid marketing campaigns. In a call tracking report, you receive recordings of all of your calls, contact information and location of your callers, and timestamps of when prospects were calling.
Call tracking lets you know if your leasing office is doing an adequate job of responding to prospects or if they are letting leads slip through the cracks. When you need to sign leases quickly, making sure you give every qualified prospect a great experience during their first point of contact with your community is critical to your success.