Conversion Logix does not sell your data.
Conversion Logix uses tracking pixels to collect non-identifiable, anonymous data such as browser, referring website, and device type. We may also retarget you with ads depending on what websites you visit.
We do not collect any personally-identifiable information unless you voluntarily submit a lead form on one of our clients’ websites. When you submit the form, we may tie the information listed above to your profile. If you have submitted your information to one of our clients and would like to be removed from our database, please fill out the form below.
Note: the form on this page does not opt you out of data usage through our ad network partners. In order to fully opt-out of data used for personalized advertising, please visit this website and complete their opt-out forms as well.
Please be aware that opt-out functionality is specific to your current browser. Utilizing another browser or clearing your cookies will require you to opt-out again.