Whatever it Takes

Decide Then Go

Indecision and second-guessing are the mortal enemies of spontaneous brilliance and planning. Without action, your dream, goal, or plan has little meaning in the world. Living and risking are close companions. If you sense that you have made a good decision, have faith. Move forward.

These words are from a book called “Whatever It Takes” written by the late great Bob Moawad Senior.

Make it Happen!

2 thoughts on “Whatever it Takes

  1. So true. Too many people are stuck in their day to day existence, drudging along and hating their jobs, their life etc… What they fail to realize is that they can be truly happy doing what they love, if they just take a chance, and give it their all. It’s not easy to take that risk, but if you go for it, and don’t sell yourself short, chances are you will be successful.

    I had to learn this myself through many years working for “the man”, and now that I have, I couldn’t be happier with the direction my life has taken.

    Great words to live by!

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