Personalized Digital Ads Deliver 3X Car Buyer Engagement


When a consumer sees an ad for something they’ve expressed interest in previously, they’ll be more likely to click on it. It is no surprise that consumers respond better to ads that are uniquely tailored to their needs. A new study quantifies just how important it is to personalize ads to improve engagement.

The 2016 Jivox Benchmark Report finds that consumer engagement with online advertising increases by three times when ads are personalized versus standard display ads. The study analyzed performance data drawn from over a billion ad impressions looking to measure the impact of personalization on digital ad performance.

The report examined ad engagement on three key performance indicators (KPIs): click-through rate (CTR), engagement rate, and average length of time spent on your website. The ads Jivox evaluated performed higher than traditional ads on all three KPIs. On average, the personalized digital ads from the study delivered a CTR that was 230% higher than the Google display ad benchmark. The personalized ads from the study achieved an engagement rate 84% higher than the Google display ad benchmark. You can make this data work to your advantage by launching your own personalized campaign with dynamic ads.

Launch your own personalized campaign

We can help you experience this same high engagement and higher revenue streams by serving personalized ads to active, in-market car buyers. We serve ads with your inventory to qualified prospects who are already searching for a new car. With these dynamic ads, we drive traffic directly to vehicle description pages (VDPs) for cars at your dealership.

We identify the best audience with data from your customers and our own data segments, and deliver then the ad to your customer. Ads pull real-time inventory from your website’s data feed and we optimize the bid to bring the most possible traffic back to your site. A dynamic ad served to your target audience generates the maximum amount of VDP views. The ad is highly relevant, prompting users to click through to the website, right to VDPs for cars on your lot.

Personalization has the power to deliver campaigns that are three times as effective, maximizing your ad spend and reaching in-market consumers who are actively searching for the cars you are selling.