Personalized Digital Ads Deliver 3X Car Buyer Engagement


When a consumer sees an ad for something they’ve expressed interest in previously, they’ll be more likely to click on it. It is no surprise that consumers respond better to ads that are uniquely tailored to their needs. A new study quantifies just how important it is to personalize ads to improve engagement.

The 2016 Jivox Benchmark Report finds that consumer engagement with online advertising increases by three times when ads are personalized versus standard display ads. The study analyzed performance data drawn from over a billion ad impressions looking to measure the impact of personalization on digital ad performance.

The report examined ad engagement on three key performance indicators (KPIs): click-through rate (CTR), engagement rate, and average length of time spent on your website. The ads Jivox evaluated performed higher than traditional ads on all three KPIs. On average, the personalized digital ads from the study delivered a CTR that was 230% higher than the Google display ad benchmark. The personalized ads from the study achieved an engagement rate 84% higher than the Google display ad benchmark. You can make this data work to your advantage by launching your own personalized campaign with dynamic ads.

Launch your own personalized campaign

We can help you experience this same high engagement and higher revenue streams by serving personalized ads to active, in-market car buyers. We serve ads with your inventory to qualified prospects who are already searching for a new car. With these dynamic ads, we drive traffic directly to vehicle description pages (VDPs) for cars at your dealership.

We identify the best audience with data from your customers and our own data segments, and deliver then the ad to your customer. Ads pull real-time inventory from your website’s data feed and we optimize the bid to bring the most possible traffic back to your site. A dynamic ad served to your target audience generates the maximum amount of VDP views. The ad is highly relevant, prompting users to click through to the website, right to VDPs for cars on your lot.

Personalization has the power to deliver campaigns that are three times as effective, maximizing your ad spend and reaching in-market consumers who are actively searching for the cars you are selling.

Everything You Need To Know About Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising

You’ve heard you should be advertising on Facebook and we now have even more evidence as to why it’s a good idea. A new study says that Facebook users engage with promoted posts the same way that they react to organic content. According to L2’s Promoted Posts report, emotion reactions on paid posts are nearly the same as reactions to organic posts1. Facebook users actively engage with promoted posts as much as organic posts, proving the effectiveness of serving Facebook ads to target audiences.

Knowing that users will respond and engage with your ads is a huge benefit to advertising on Facebook. If that isn’t enough to convince you, consider four other compelling reasons why to advertise on the social network:


Active, engaged audience

With 1.49 billion members worldwide, and 22 billion ad clicks per year, Facebook is providing businesses with the largest advertising opportunity since search. Your Facebook audience is waiting for you to reach out with targeted advertising.


Cost-efficient options

The days of reaching fans with organic posts are gone because with Facebook’s algorithm, those posts aren’t appearing in their newsfeed. Getting traction from organic activity on your business page won’t yield results, so you need to advertise. A dollar spent on Facebook ads goes much further than other advertising platforms. You can run a focused, cost-efficient campaign with minimal effort.


Focused targeting capabilities

The level of targeting you can get with Facebook is exceptionally focused. Choose audiences by behaviors, interests, demographics, age ranges, or locations. Try remarketing on Facebook through Custom Audiences. This strategy targets an audience that has already visited your website, and therefore is more likely to be interested in your dealership. Custom Audiences enables you to deliver a relevant and effective message to known audiences, increasing efficiency in your marketing campaigns.


Multiple ad formats


Facebook offers multiple ad formats for you to use, including these three popular options:

  • Carousel Ads: Carousel Ads display 3-5 images and links within a single ad unit to direct viewers to specific pages on your website. Carousel ads offer improved click-through rate over single image ads and a considerable reduction in cost per click.
  • Lead Ads: Collect information from interested consumers with Lead Ads. Give interested consumers a chance to get a free quote, sign up for a newsletter, or redeem an offer.
  • Dynamic Product Ads (DPAs): Reach consumers who have already expressed interest in your cars with DPAs. Each ad is specifically formatted so it is highly relevant and automated with your information.


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Why Mobile Ads Are The Future of Digital Advertising

Mobile Marketing and AdvertisingFive recent statistics confirm what we already know: mobile is growing and it’s necessary to reach your audience on this platform. After each key statistic, we’ve highlighted an action point suggesting what you should include in your marketing strategy to capitalize off of mobile consumer behavior.



1.Mobile web expanding exponentially

The IDC estimates that there will be more than 2 billion mobile users this year. Nearly all new internet usage, and subsequent growth, is expected to come from mobile. Although mobile is booming, keep in mind there are still billions of desktop and laptop users. Varying devices mean different sizes, speeds, and memory that all affect the user experience.

Take action: In order to reach all consumers, no matter the channel, have a responsive website that adjusts to the size of screen it is viewed on.


2.Media consumption is moving to mobile and users crave visual content.

Digital and mobile usage are increasing and television are diminishing. People are watching less content on TV, instead moving to mobile platforms to watch video content. According to ComScore, 61% percent of mobile users have the YouTube app on their phones and almost 40 percent use Instagram.

Take action: Use video ads and content to connect with your audience in an engaging, memorable way.


3.Facebook is the most popular app on mobile

ComScore’s recent ranking of top US smartphone apps named Facebook and Facebook Messenger the top two used apps by a wide margin. 77.3% percent of smartphone users use the Facebook app and 60% percent use Facebook Messenger.

Take action: Use Facebook ads to share your message with engaged users. Connect with your audience using a variety of ad formats to fit your needs.


4.The majority of email opens are on mobile

More than 50% of emails are opened and read on a mobile device, according to email service provider Litmus.

Take action: Optimize your dealership emails for mobile so they are easily accessible on mobile. Hard to read emails with too much text and large graphics will most likely be deleted before they are even read.


5.Mobile is the fastest-growing ad format

Mobile advertising is the fastest-growing ad segment taking 24% percent of the $27.5 billion global digital advertising share in 2015 according to MobyAffiliates. Marketers are spending their advertising dollars on mobile platforms because that is where their audience is spending more and more of their time.

Take action: Reach your audience when they are searching on the go with mobile-specific ads. This platform is ever-changing and becoming a more effective avenue to reach interested consumers.


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Add HouseHold Extensions to your Retargeting

The goal of every retargeting campaign is to convert the most sales for the least amount of money. We offer a variety of tools and techniques to help you achieve this, but we’ve just added a new element to our arsenal: Household Extension.

Household Extension broadens campaign reach while still delivering targeted impressions across multiple devices in one location, such as a home or a small office.

Household Targeting

How can this expanded capability benefit your campaign?

Multi-device retargeting

Household Extension allows you to expand targeting to every device on a user’s IP address. This capability allows you to reach a single user on multiple devices (think laptop, tablet, and mobile) and/or reach other users on the same IP address.

Retargeting expansion

Consider this hypothetical situation. John Smith, age 18, is excitedly looking to purchase his first car. He’s spent hours and hours eagerly researching this major purchase, but ultimately he will rely on the input of his parents before handing over his hard-earned money.

Let’s say you’re a car dealership that stocks a large inventory of used cars. John is diligently looking at what you have for sale in his price range. Wouldn’t it be nice if Mom and Dad were also exposed to the same advertising John was viewing?

Your dealership may come out on top of your competition because the right people (in this case, multiple people within the same family) are seeing your advertisement. Influence decision makers by reaching multiple household members through connected devices.

Additional Prospecting Opportunity

By reaching multiple people on a single IP address, you have the opportunity to capture new users prospecting information within your original retargeting landscape, most likely their circle of influence.

We can help you implement this feature in an existing retargeting campaign or we can start a new one! Reaching more people means increased opportunity for conversions at a reduced cost. Grow your business and prospect list without any additional effort with Household Extension.

Capitalizing On Big Game Buzz

It is NFL playoff season and people are buzzing about football, especially here in Seattle where our Seahawks are Super Bowl bound after an incredible comeback against the Green Bay Packers. Although you may not have the marketing budget to buy air time during the Super Bowl (which is reportedly going for a cool $4 million for a 30-second commercial), you can still capitalize off the excitement and energy generated by the Big Game and use it to positively impact your business.

Make a game plan

You have a set amount of advertising dollars and it’s up to you to spend them how you deem most beneficial. How are you going to drive potential customers to make a purchase? You already have your plans in motion with your retargeting campaign, but consider ramping up your efforts and adding a special promotion or offer related to Super Bowl weekend.

Connect with your 12s

Seattle Seahawks fans are affectionately referred to as the 12th Man (or 12s) and the Seahawks organization masterfully connects with their fans. The 12th Man feels like they are part of the team and you can foster that same connection with your “fans.” Follow the Seahawks’ lead and stay in touch with your customers via social media and an effective marketing campaign. Offering a special incentive or offer can generate business and build brand loyalty.

NFL Conversion Driver

Execute your big play

Go above and beyond your standard offense and execute your big play with your Super Bowl offer. Through email marketing or a custom conversion driver, you can drive fans to your website and capture prospective customer information while providing them with a valuable offer. Use the Seahawks Super Bowl buzz to your advantage.

Outwit your opponent

You are not the only company selling your particular product or service, but you can be the best at selling, far exceeding others in your industry. By continually evaluating and refining your marketing campaign, you can stay 10 yards ahead of your competition. We offer several different tools to energize your online marketing, increasing leads and building your brand so you come out on top.


Putting all of the right things in motion at the right time will result in a score for your business. Increase brand awareness, convert website visitors, or reward loyal customers. Get creative and come up with a fun, Super Bowl-sized way to score a touchdown for your business.

Using Purchase Intent to Target Car Shoppers

We all know car shoppers spend the bulk of their buying cycle researching online. They use more than 11 different sources and visit countless websites comparing features, prices and reviews.

So what does this mean for car dealers? If you’re looking to connect with car shoppers, you need to do it online. Luckily we have a tool that lets you do that.

It’s called Pixel Targeting. What we do is measure the intent of car shoppers and deliver ads to them based on what they’re looking for.

So how do we measure intent?

We do it in a few different ways. By analyzing browsing history, search queries and page contexts we can get an accurate picture of what car shoppers are looking for and serve ads appropriately.

Take this shopper’s history for example. From this page we can see that this shopper is looking at buying a new Jeep. They’re looking in the for sale section of AutoTrader and are located in Kirkland, WA.

AutoTrader Intent

Since we know where this person is located and know what kind of vehicle they’re searching for, we can deliver a relevant ad to them.

The power of Pixel Targeting is being able to reach people who are looking for what you have to sell them. You’re not trying to break down barriers and convince these shoppers they should buy a Jeep — they’re already looking for one. You just need to get your ad in front of their eyes and give them a reason to pick you over your competitor.

Interested in Pixel Targeting? Contact us today for more information.

Search Campaigns Can be Used for Branding

Search advertising has long been used as a direct-response marketing strategy, but a new study from Google reveals it could be helpful in branding as well.

Throughout 2013, Google and Ipsos MediaCT conducted 61 search experiments to measure the impact of search ads on brand awareness. They measured both top-of-mind awareness and unaided brand awareness even when the consumer doesn’t click on the ad.

Overall, Google found that there was a positive impact on unaided brand awareness and top of mind awareness.

Top of mind awareness from search campaigns

This can add an interesting twist to your search campaigns. Rather than focusing solely on direct-response campaigns, you can include a search campaign for branding as well. This can help drive your direct-response campaigns by improving your mindshare of customers.

To learn more about getting your own search campaign up and running, contact us today.

Auto Dealers Spending More In Digital Advertising Than Ever

The auto industry is embracing digital advertising and marketing more than ever. In a new report from eMarketer, digital advertising spending for automotive is up 18.8% year-over-year.

This confirms what we already knew about digital. Your competitors are jumping into digital spending and you need to be as well. An effective digital marketing campaign can bring you new customers and help convert existing shoppers into buyers.

Digital Spend

Looking for a new way to bring people to your dealership? Check out our Conversion Drivers. Conversion Drivers will help you turn more of your online traffic into leads and sales. Competition is only going to increase as more dealers start improving their online presence.

Hey, Google: Selling Cars is Harder Than You Think

A couple of years ago, Google debuted a new product called Google Cars. Dealerships everywhere were curious and apprehensive about the new product. There was talk about Google gaining too much power in how consumers would search for cars, and a few dealers were skeptical it would work.

Now, after a couple years, we’ve been able to determine that Google Cars was not a success. Consumers didn’t use the tool nearly as much as was anticipated, and dealers received mixed results from the leads generated by the program.

Google Cars

The failure of a company Google’s size at creating a tool to connect with car shoppers shows that it’s harder to sell cars online than everyone thinks. It’s not about “doing digital;” it’s about doing digital right.

If you’re trying to connect with car shoppers in search engines, you can do it two ways: a traditional PPC program, or a dynamic, inventory-specific program like Search Liners.

Search Liners aggregates your inventory and creates individual search ads for each car on your lot. That way, when a consumer does a search for a specific car you have, the PPC for that specific model will display and when they click it will drive them right to the VDP for that specific car.

Just because Google Cars didn’t work out doesn’t mean it’s impossible to connect with car shoppers on search engines – you just have to do it right.

Step beyond the TV buy with video pre-roll

Online Video Pre-Roll

It’s the era of the internet baby!

Yet we still have a hard time breaking from the habit of traditional media approaches. The principle still applies…PEOPLE REMEMBER 90% of WHAT THEY SEE!

The question is where will they see it?  Or perhaps better yet, “where will it be most effective?”

The “audience of one” is the feeling you get when we see your ads in the wild. A feeling of pride and assurance rushes over you, and you know you’ve been heard.  You hope that your potential customers were watching or listening at that time.  If that’s not the case, then the ad was lost in the noise.

Traditional media costs are hefty and time consuming. To get the most out of your traditional ads, invest in video pre-roll, the most intentional tool in re-purposing traditional media with an exponential punch!

Drop your 15 or 30 second video in the cue for display.  Throw in a pixel for retargeting and behavioral targeting andy you just launched a lethal combination of advertising both to your known audience and those who are actively looking.  This way you’re not just hoping that everyone is looking.  You can know (via analytics) what was displayed, what was seen and what the results were.

When its all said and done, it’s a fraction of the cost.  A mere 10% of an average cable commercial, or 1% of a prime time commercial.

Better yet, you can redo your whole mindset for shooting your traditional media with your target audience / medium in mind.  Shoot smarter not more!  Edit content for both mediums!

Top of mind awareness for your future customers’ sake takes on a whole new meaning when they are seeing you online — where they are spending most of their leisure time — instead of watching their DVR’d shows while skipping over the commercials.